Kindness Boomerang –

Here is a great video posted by Life Vest Inside. It shows us how even one kind act can spread kindness like fire. On that same note, an act of selfishness or anger can also spread like fire – but with devastating results. If we all could see how our words and acts affected others, like in this video, we may be more mindful of the power of every little thing we do. Imagine what would happen if we all did even one simple act of kindness everyday – just one kind word or gesture would be multiplied infinitely and little by little, we could change the world!

About Gina Ingram (74 Articles)
Hi! I'm Gina, an avid traveler and mom of 3 kids - ages 16, 14, and 7. My husband and I have been traveling and living abroad for the past 20 years. Two years ago, our family began an indefinite full-time journey around the world to see and experience all the amazing treasures the world has to offer! Join us as we search for the beauty and awesomeness in every corner of the globe!

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