Canyon Full of Camels! Petra, Jordan

When we visited Petra, Jordan, not only we were greeted with the incredible sight of The Siq and Treasury, but also by the friendly Bedouins and their entourage of cute and funny CAMELS!

A fuzzy and soft baby camel

The camels were covered in colorful “clothing” and were friendly to us as we pet them, photographed them, and rode them. I even got to kiss one! Yes, you make think that’s strange, but they are just so cuddly to me! They embody so much of the mystical side of the Middle East that I love so much!!

My new sweet friend 🙂

Smiling for the camera!

Could it be a two-headed camel? No, but if it was, it would be interesting to watch it walk! 🙂

Have you ever met a friendly camel? Have any funny stories? Please share them with us!

About Gina Ingram (74 Articles)
Hi! I'm Gina, an avid traveler and mom of 3 kids - ages 16, 14, and 7. My husband and I have been traveling and living abroad for the past 20 years. Two years ago, our family began an indefinite full-time journey around the world to see and experience all the amazing treasures the world has to offer! Join us as we search for the beauty and awesomeness in every corner of the globe!

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