The Bedouins of Petra, Jordan – the Stories Behind the Faces

Travelin' Kait

Ever wondered what black eyeliner, camels, and an ancient archaeological site have in common?

The hilarious, warm-hearted, whimsical, and entertaining Bedouins of Petra!

This fun community which has been living in Petra way before the Europeans even knew it existed, wear dark black eyeliner, are always in a headscarf of some kind, and love to laugh and be goofy. 

They were some of the funniest people I have ever met and are so much fun to hang out with. Before we arrived, we weren’t sure what they were going to be like, but we were immediately shocked at how friendly they were!

When we came back to Petra the second and third times, they treated us like family, always saying salam (hi), chatting, or cracking jokes! I don’t think I have laughed that hard in a very long time and they made my whole experince in Petra way more fun…

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About Gina Ingram (74 Articles)
Hi! I'm Gina, an avid traveler and mom of 3 kids - ages 16, 14, and 7. My husband and I have been traveling and living abroad for the past 20 years. Two years ago, our family began an indefinite full-time journey around the world to see and experience all the amazing treasures the world has to offer! Join us as we search for the beauty and awesomeness in every corner of the globe!

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