7 Things You MUST DO in Venice, Italy

Just Go Explore

Venice is awesome! There is no place like it in the world. In order to truly enjoy its uniqueness like a local,  you MUST do these 7 things!

1. Take a ride down the Grand Canal and Lagoon

Coming to Venice and not going down the Grand Canal is like going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower – you just gotta do it! Whether it’s by gondola, water taxi, or vaporetto (waterbus), take the time and spend the money to see Venice the way it is meant to be seen – from the water. The palazzi along the Grand Canal are magnificent and if you go in the evening, around sunset, the lighting is spectacular.

Photo: prweb.com

2. Wander the back streets to see the true Venice

I feel so sorry for people who come all the way to Venice and only see San Marco and Rialto –…

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About Gina Ingram (74 Articles)
Hi! I'm Gina, an avid traveler and mom of 3 kids - ages 16, 14, and 7. My husband and I have been traveling and living abroad for the past 20 years. Two years ago, our family began an indefinite full-time journey around the world to see and experience all the amazing treasures the world has to offer! Join us as we search for the beauty and awesomeness in every corner of the globe!

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