Following the Footsteps of the Refugees – Bodrum, Turkey to Kos, Greece

Travelin' Kait

One of the most memorable and life-changing moments during our time volunteering with the refugees was our journey from Bodrum, Turkey to Kos, Greece. Here is a short documentary video we made following our journey!

In the morning we  went down to Bodrum and bought tickets and were on the ferry an hour later. Getting on the boat and buying the tickets was so simple compared to what the refugees have to go through. Even from the very beginning of our day, we  realized how lucky we were to be able to travel around so freely. As we were getting on the ferry, there was a Coast Guard boat docked and on it were many refugees wearing life jackets, probably rescued in the dangerous waters the night before and brought back to Bodrum, they were so close to freedom. 

Refugees getting off the coast guard boat after being rescued. Refugees getting off the coast guard boat after being rescued.


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About Gina Ingram (74 Articles)
Hi! I'm Gina, an avid traveler and mom of 3 kids - ages 16, 14, and 7. My husband and I have been traveling and living abroad for the past 20 years. Two years ago, our family began an indefinite full-time journey around the world to see and experience all the amazing treasures the world has to offer! Join us as we search for the beauty and awesomeness in every corner of the globe!

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