egyptHi There!

My name is Gina and and I am the mom of our traveling crew.  I have been passionate about travel since I was a kid and have made it my life’s mission to explore as much of our amazing world as I can. My husband Todd and I  grew up in Southern California, but have lived abroad for most of the past 20 years. We have 3 kids – Kaitlin (16), Cassidy (14), and Trevor (7). So far, we have lived in Barcelona, Spain; Dusseldorf, Germany; Paris, France; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Rome, Italy; and Venice, Italy. We love living in foreign countries and learning all about new cultures.  It is so beneficial to kids to open their minds and hearts while they are still young to the beauty and challenges of the world and all the different cultures that share it.

 “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”  St. Augustine

Why go on a Treasure Quest, you ask?

We feel that God is ALWAYS with us and wants to be our travel guide.  He longs to take us on a Treasure Quest to discover the gems and pearls of natural beauty that He has created for us. The most wonderful part about traveling and exploring God’s world is having Him introduce us to all the different people He created and their intricately diverse and exquisite cultures.

Rome, ItalyHe wants to open our eyes, minds, and hearts to the diversity and adversity of those in other parts of the world and for us all to work together to glorify Him. He doesn’t want us to stay in one place year after year and toil each day in order to store our treasures among “things of the world”. He asks us to store our treasures in heaven will they last FOREVER. 

What better way to do that than to explore the world to meet and help others? To learn about the majestic natural wonders and how to preserve them? To greet and help the multitudekids amsterdam of animals that only exist in certain parts of the world and are quickly losing their battle against extinction?  Isn’t that money well spent – to create a legacy of compassion, peace, humility, and generosity?  Isn’t that a much better way to educate our kids than to buy them the next trendy gadget or toy? Raising children with character, moral conviction, compassion, confidence, and integrity is a fantastic way to glorify God!

 “Meeting someone new is like going on a treasure hunt. What wonderful worlds we can find in others!”  Edward E. Ford

So, for all the reasons listed above, two years ago we left our home in Venice, Italy to go on an indefinite journey around the world. We are so excited to teach our kids that there is so much to learn about the people, places, and animals that make up our world!  Join us on our quest to have God be our guide as we explore His magnificent creation – the world and all it’s people!

To learn more about me and the real story behind my travel obsession, read Story Behind the Quest.

You can also read our other blogs!

Gina – Just Go Explore

Kaitlin –  Travelin’ Kait

Cassidy  – Cassidy’s Quest

Trevor  – Trevor’s Big World



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